Sequence Diagram
We are currently in the process of migrating from PlantUML to Mermaid for our diagram generation. This will remove the external dependency on PlantUML and offer a better user experience. Diagram generation with mermaid is currently supported for integration diagrams and sequence diagrams only. For more details, check out sysl diagram
This command requires the SYSL_PLANTUML
environment variable to be set or passed in as a flag. Follow the instructions here for more details
sysl sd
lets you generate a sequence diagram originating from a single endpoint.
Applications are rendered with shapes based on their tags:
: "database" (vertical cylinder)~file
: "collections" (multiple boxes)~topic
: "queue" (horizontal cylinder)~human
: "actor" (stick figure)~ui
: "boundary"

Usageusage: sysl sd [<flags>] <MODULE>...
Output FormatsThe output file format can be specified via the extension passed into the -o flag. Valid formats include .svg, .png, .uml, .puml, .plantuml, .html or .link
Required Flags-s, --endpoint=ENDPOINT ...
Include endpoint in sequence diagram-a, --app=APP ...
Include all endpoints for app in sequence diagram (currently only works with templated --output). Use SYSL_SD_FILTERS env (a comma-list of shell globs) to limit the diagrams generated
Optional FlagsOptional flags:
Specify the format string for sequence diagram endpoints. May include %(epname), %(eplongname) and %(@foo) for attribute foo (default: %(epname))--app_format="%(appname)"
Specify the format string for sequence diagram participants. May include %%(appname) and %%(@foo) for attribute foo (default: %(appname))-t, --title=TITLE
diagram title-p, --plantuml=PLANTUML
base url of PlantUML server (default:SYSL_PLANTUML
see for more info)-o, --output="%(epname).png"
output file (default: %(epname).png)-b, --blackbox=BLACKBOX ...
Input blackboxes in the format App <- Endpoint=Some description, repeat '-b App <- Endpoint=Some description' to set multiple blackboxes-g, --groupby=GROUPBY
Enter the groupby attribute (apps having the same attribute value are grouped together in one box
More common optional flags Diagram format arguments
Input sysl file that contains the system specifications. e.g simple.sysl
. The .sysl
file type is optional.
Simple Sequence DiagramCommand line
sysl sd -s "GroceryStore <- POST /checkout" GroceryStore.sysl -o checkout.png
GroceryStore: /checkout: POST?payment_info=string: Payment <- POST /validate Payment <- POST /pay | Checks out the specified cart return ok <: string
Payment: /validate: POST?payment_info=string: | Validates payment information return 200 <: string
/pay: POST: | Processes a payment return ok <: string