Integration Diagram
We are currently in the process of migrating from PlantUML to Mermaid for our diagram generation. This will remove the external dependency on PlantUML and offer a better user experience. Diagram generation with mermaid is currently supported for integration diagrams and sequence diagrams only. For more details, check out sysl diagram
This command requires the SYSL_PLANTUML
environment variable to be set or passed in as a flag. Follow the instructions here for more details
sysl integrations
lets you generate integration diagrams. The command requires a project to be specified to produce an integration diagram. Refer to the examples for more details.
Usageusage: sysl integrations [<flags>] <MODULE>
sysl ints [<flags>] <MODULE>
Output FormatsThe output file format can be specified via the extension passed into the -o flag. Valid formats include .svg, .png, .uml, .puml, .plantuml, .html or .link
Required Flags-j, --project=PROJECT
project pseudo-app to render
Optional Flags-t, --title=TITLE
diagram title-p, --plantuml=PLANTUML
base url of PlantUML server (default:SYSL_PLANTUML
`` see for more info)
-o, --output="%(epname).png"
output file(default: %(epname).png)--filter=FILTER
Only generate diagrams whose output paths match a pattern-e, --exclude=EXCLUDE ...
apps to exclude-c, --clustered
group integration components into clusters--epa
produce and EPA integration view
Input sysl file that contains the system specifications. e.gsimple.sysl
. The.sysl
file type is optional.
Simple Integration DiagramCommand line
sysl integrations -o epa.png --project Project GroceryStore.sysl
GroceryStore: /checkout: POST?payment_info=string: Payment <- POST /validate Payment <- POST /pay | Checks out the specified cart return ok <: string
Payment: /validate: POST?payment_info=string: | Validates payment information return 200 <: string
/pay: POST: | Processes a payment return ok <: string
Project [appfmt="%(appname)"]: _: GroceryStore Payment

Endpoint Analysis DiagramCommand line
sysl integrations -o epa.png --project Project --epa GroceryStore.sysl
GroceryStore: /checkout: POST?payment_info=string: Payment <- POST /validate Payment <- POST /pay | Checks out the specified cart return ok <: string
Payment: /validate: POST?payment_info=string: | Validates payment information return 200 <: string
/pay: POST: | Processes a payment return ok <: string
Project [appfmt="%(appname)"]: _: GroceryStore Payment